Monday, June 6, 2011

I Don't Like Mondays!

As a rule Mondays have never really bothered me.  It after all is just another day in the week.  Any more there really isn't a day that is busier than others so if you disliked one day you should dislike them all.  However, the community pool is closed on Mondays.  With this August heat we are experiencing in the beginning of June,  I was really wanting to go take a dip in the pool.  Maybe not putting our pool back in was a mistake.  I do miss having it in the back yard at my convenience.  Well maybe next year.....

Jessi slept in a litttle and didn't make it to the gym until a little before 10.  I went to the office and worked on some letters.  We came home about noon.  Had lunch; then took Josh and Jenni to play practice. 

After practice I had to rush Jessi in to her softball games and then rush back for the boys game.  The boys won pretty handily.  Then home and to bed.

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