Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 4 - Sunday Sunday Sunday

Abby Jake & Jenni having fun on the trampoline!

Well today was sort of quiet.  We got up around 9 and had waffles again.  The rest of the kids didn't get up till around 11.  I think they spent a late night on the computer games again.

Ethan opening present 2.
Today's present wasn't quite as daunting as paints.  It did however have millions of little foam letters and shapes.  Pretty cool until it was pick up time. 

After a quick lunch Ethan went down for his nap.  So the other kids and I headed to the pool.  It has been so hot that it is so refreshing to dip in the pool.  Brady is doing so good.  He always wears his lifejacket when he heads down to the deep end.  He comes and tells me when he is taking the jacket off to play in the shallow end. 

When we got home Tim was in a sort of panic.  He said check Ethan out and make sure there aren't any broken bones.  I said WHAT?????  He said he fell out of the bed.  WHAT????  He said the door was open, I was listening, never heard a thing.  Then I heard him start to cry.  I went in and he was between the shades and the bed just looking at me.  Apparently he is quite the gymnast and climbed out over the side of the baby bed.  It literally scared Tim to death.  No scratches, no scrapes,  all is well.  But now we know he can escape the baby bed too. 

We made pizzas for dinner.  Three pizzas were devoured in less than five minutes.  They had worked up quite an appetite.

Brady, Jake and Abby giving Sophie a bath.
The kids decided to give Sophie a bath.  She is our outside dog.  I'm not sure she enjoyed it but the kids had fun! 

Josh and Jenni had play practice dress rehearsal where they asked me to come photograph them.  I can't wait for the performances.  Tim held the fort down while I was gone.  The only incident was Ethan found the wipes and scattered them all over the living room.  I know we were warned!

Ethan and his ice cream!

Abby devouring her ice cream cone.

Brady eating his cone.

When we came home I brought ice cream cones.  The kids were all out on the trampoline playing in the water.  This brought back awesome memories for me because I can remember doing this with Kati and Kimi when we were little.  Ethan just laughed when they let him squirt Jake.  Ethan found the squirt gun and had fun playing in the bucket of water.  Yes Kati I watched him like a hawk.  I know you can drown in an inch of water. 

Next we headed in for bath/shower time.  Then off to bed we went.  Brady was out within seconds of hitting the pillow.  I guess we are wearing the little guy out.  The older kids played computer games for a while but not as late as last night.  So all is well.  We are still going on no fights or injuries.  I'm feeling blessed!

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