Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Now I know why I do it!

Ok the worst part of doing these parties is dreading the thought of "is any one going to come!"

Thanks to mom for coming!!! With her there were a total of 6 people plus me! Yeah! Oh yeah did I mention that I was able to get $592 (19 pieces) of jewelry for $168!!!!!!

That is less that 1/3 of the cost!!!! This is so exciting!!! I know you guys are probably rolling your eyes but let me explain.

When you are as let say "large" as I am it really isn't fun buying clothes. Most stores don't have anything that fits me. So to me buying the jewelry takes the place of the cute clothes that you guys get to shop for and wear.

Please don't preach about it being up to me to lose the weight. I know that. This is just my way to dress things up a bit with jewelry.

Oh yeah and Kati and Kimi, I didn't have you use your names after all. A friend of mine's mom wanted some stuff and her order was over the $100 for the pre order. So thanks anyway!


TravelinGranny said...

I enjoyed the party. Marisa was really nice, too. The jewelry was very good quality, I really liked several pieces.

I can totally relate to your "sufficient" size problem. It seems that I have always had the same issues.

chadandkimi said...

Glad the party was a success & you got some great things! I never had the url for the jewelry or I would have looked. You are always welcome to use my name. :)