Friday, October 9, 2009

Jessi all "dolled up"

The other day Jessi came out to me and said "Mom, if I get all dolled up will you take my picture?"  Now the first adorable item in that sentence is "dolled up".  I didn't know people still used that saying.  The second is that she asked me to take her picture.  She fights me constantly about asking her to let me take her picture.  I got quite a few good ones.  These are just a few.


TravelinGranny said...

You look beautiful Jessi.

LOVE Grandma!

Anonymous said...

you've really grown into a very lovely young lady Jess. I'm very proud of you!


chadandkimi said...

WOW!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the one at the bottom of the post, in B&W! They are all gorgeous.

Jessi, you are so pretty! I am so proud of you.

Bengi, the pictures & the coloring are great!